Her.Gull. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
GBB.Gull. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
A.radiata. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
G.gurnards. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
W.horse.mac. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
N.horse.mac. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
N.horse.mac. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Grey.seal. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
H.porpoise. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Hake. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Hake. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Cod. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Cod. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Whiting. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Whiting. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Haddock. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Haddock. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Saithe. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Saithe. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Mackerel. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Mackerel. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Herring. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Herring. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
N.sandeel. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
S.sandeel. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Nor.pout. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Sprat. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Plaice. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Plaice. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Sole. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Sole. Mean weight (kg) at age in the sea.
Cod. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Cod. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Whiting. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Whiting. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Haddock. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Haddock. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Saithe. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Saithe. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Mackerel. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Mackerel. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Herring. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Herring. Catch number (thousands) at age.
N.sandeel. Catch number (thousands) at age.
S.sandeel. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Nor.pout. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Sprat. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Plaice. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Plaice. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Sole. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Sole. Catch number (thousands) at age.
Cod. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Cod. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Whiting. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Whiting. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Haddock. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Haddock. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Saithe. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Saithe. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Mackerel. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Mackerel. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Herring. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Herring. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
N.sandeel. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
S.sandeel. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Nor.pout. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Sprat. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Plaice. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Plaice. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Sole. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Sole. Mean weight (kg) at age in the catch.
Cod. Proportion within the North Sea.
Cod. Proportion within the North Sea.
Whiting. Proportion within the North Sea.
Whiting. Proportion within the North Sea.
Haddock. Proportion within the North Sea.
Haddock. Proportion within the North Sea.
Saithe. Proportion within the North Sea.
Saithe. Proportion within the North Sea.
Mackerel. Proportion within the North Sea.
Mackerel. Proportion within the North Sea.
Sprat. Proportion within the North Sea.
Cod. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Whiting. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Haddock. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Saithe. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Mackerel. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Herring. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
N.sandeel. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
S.sandeel. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Nor.pout. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Sprat. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Plaice. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Sole. Residual mortality (M1) at age.
Fulmar. Abundance or biomass.
Guillemot. Abundance or biomass.
Her.Gull. Abundance or biomass.
Kittiwake. Abundance or biomass.
GBB.Gull. Abundance or biomass.
Gannet. Abundance or biomass.
Puffin. Abundance or biomass.
Razorbill. Abundance or biomass.
A.radiata. Abundance or biomass.
A.radiata. Abundance or biomass.
G.gurnards. Abundance or biomass.
G.gurnards. Abundance or biomass.
W.horse.mac. Abundance or biomass.
W.horse.mac. Abundance or biomass.
N.horse.mac. Abundance or biomass.
N.horse.mac. Abundance or biomass.
Grey.seal. Abundance or biomass.
H.porpoise. Abundance or biomass.
Hake. Abundance or biomass.
Hake. Abundance or biomass.
Cod. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
Whiting. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
Haddock. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
Herring. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
N.sandeel. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
S.sandeel. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
Nor.pout. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
Sprat. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
Plaice. ALK, Age to length conversion. Please note that the length classess do not have the same width.
Fulmar. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
A.radiata. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
G.gurnards. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
G.gurnards. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
W.horse.mac. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
N.horse.mac. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
N.horse.mac. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Grey.seal. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Grey.seal. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Grey.seal. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Hake. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Haddock. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Haddock. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Mackerel. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Mackerel. Relative stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
A.radiata. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
G.gurnards. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
G.gurnards. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
W.horse.mac. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
N.horse.mac. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
N.horse.mac. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Grey.seal. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Grey.seal. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Hake. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Haddock. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Haddock. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Mackerel. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Mackerel. Observed stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Year effect in separable model for F. Years without uncertainty values have the (input) value 1, or catches are missing from that year.
Stock number (N) at age in the first year.
Recruitment, N at the first age.
Cod. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Whiting. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Haddock. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Saithe. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Mackerel. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Herring. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
N.sandeel. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
S.sandeel. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Nor.pout. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Sprat. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Plaice. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Sole. Survey catchabiliy by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same catchability and error bar as the previous age.
Cod. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Whiting. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Haddock. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Saithe. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Mackerel. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Herring. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
N.sandeel. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
S.sandeel. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Nor.pout. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Sprat. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Plaice. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Sole. Survey observation variance by fleet. Ages shown with no error bar have the same variance and error bar as the previous age.
Fulmar. Prey vulnerability.
Guillemot. Prey vulnerability.
Her.Gull. Prey vulnerability.
Kittiwake. Prey vulnerability.
GBB.Gull. Prey vulnerability.
Gannet. Prey vulnerability.
Puffin. Prey vulnerability.
Razorbill. Prey vulnerability.
A.radiata. Prey vulnerability.
G.gurnards. Prey vulnerability.
W.horse.mac. Prey vulnerability.
N.horse.mac. Prey vulnerability.
Grey.seal. Prey vulnerability.
H.porpoise. Prey vulnerability.
Hake. Prey vulnerability.
Cod. Prey vulnerability.
Whiting. Prey vulnerability.
Haddock. Prey vulnerability.
Saithe. Prey vulnerability.
Mackerel. Prey vulnerability.
alpha0 from Dirichlet distribution. Predator names followed by a * show that alpha 0 is given as input. The blue line shows the median alpha0.
Cod. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Whiting. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Haddock. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Saithe. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Mackerel. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Herring. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
N.sandeel. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
S.sandeel. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Nor.pout. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Sprat. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Plaice. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Sole. Catch weight, Recruitment, F, SSB, Biomass removed due to fishery (F), predation by SMS species (M2) and residual natural mortality (M1). The predation mortality (M2) presented by the 0-group (black solid line) is for the second half of the year. The M2 for the rest of the ages are annual values.
Cod. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
Whiting. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
Haddock. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
Herring. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
N.sandeel. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
S.sandeel. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
Nor.pout. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
Sprat. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
Plaice. Annual predation mortality (sum of quarterly M2)
Cod. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Cod. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Cod. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Cod. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Whiting. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Whiting. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Whiting. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Whiting. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Haddock. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Haddock. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Haddock. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Haddock. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Herring. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Herring. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Herring. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Herring. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
N.sandeel. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
N.sandeel. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
N.sandeel. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
N.sandeel. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
S.sandeel. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
S.sandeel. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
S.sandeel. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
S.sandeel. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Nor.pout. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Nor.pout. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Nor.pout. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Nor.pout. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Sprat. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Sprat. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Sprat. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Sprat. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Plaice. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Plaice. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Plaice. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Plaice. Quarterly predation mortality (M2)
Cod. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
Whiting. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
Haddock. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
Herring. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
N.sandeel. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
S.sandeel. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
Nor.pout. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
Sprat. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
Plaice. Annual mortality (sum of quarterly M1+M2)
Biomass of all preys eaten by predator
Biomass eaten by prey
Cod. Who eats this prey.
Whiting. Who eats this prey.
Haddock. Who eats this prey.
Herring. Who eats this prey.
Sandeel. Who eats this prey.
Norway pout. Who eats this prey.
Sprat. Who eats this prey.
Cod. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Whiting. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Haddock. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Saithe. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Mackerel. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Herring. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
N.sandeel. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
S.sandeel. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Nor.pout. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Sprat. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Plaice. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Sole. Exploitation pattern, scaled to Fbar.
Observed and estimated catch weight.
Cod. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Whiting. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Haddock. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Saithe. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Mackerel. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Herring. Observed and estimated catch weight.
N.sandeel. Observed and estimated catch weight.
S.sandeel. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Nor.pout. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Sprat. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Plaice. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Sole. Observed and estimated catch weight.
Cod. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Whiting. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Haddock. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Saithe. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Mackerel. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Herring. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
N.sandeel. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
S.sandeel. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Nor.pout. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Sprat. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Plaice. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Sole. Catch observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative. Q:9 means annual data.
Cod. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Whiting. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Haddock. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Saithe. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Mackerel. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Herring. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
N.sandeel. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
S.sandeel. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Nor.pout. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Sprat. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Plaice. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Sole. Survey observations Residuals, log(Survey observed CPUE) - log(expected CPUE). Red is positive, White is negative.
Fulmar. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Guillemot. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Her.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Kittiwake. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
GBB.Gull. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Gannet. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Puffin. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Razorbill. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
A.radiata. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
G.gurnards. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
G.gurnards. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
W.horse.mac. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
N.horse.mac. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
N.horse.mac. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Grey.seal. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Grey.seal. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Grey.seal. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
H.porpoise. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Hake. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Cod. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Whiting. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Haddock. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Haddock. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Saithe. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Mackerel. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Mackerel. Observed and estimated stomach contents weight by predator size class.
Fulmar. Composistional residuals.
Guillemot. Composistional residuals.
Her.Gull. Composistional residuals.
Kittiwake. Composistional residuals.
GBB.Gull. Composistional residuals.
Gannet. Composistional residuals.
Puffin. Composistional residuals.
Razorbill. Composistional residuals.
A.radiata. Composistional residuals.
G.gurnards. Composistional residuals.
W.horse.mac. Composistional residuals.
N.horse.mac. Composistional residuals.
Grey.seal. Composistional residuals.
H.porpoise. Composistional residuals.
Hake. Composistional residuals.
Cod. Composistional residuals.
Whiting. Composistional residuals.
Haddock. Composistional residuals.
Saithe. Composistional residuals.
Mackerel. Composistional residuals.
Fulmar. Standardised residuals.
Guillemot. Standardised residuals.
Her.Gull. Standardised residuals.
Kittiwake. Standardised residuals.
GBB.Gull. Standardised residuals.
Gannet. Standardised residuals.
Puffin. Standardised residuals.
Razorbill. Standardised residuals.
A.radiata. Standardised residuals.
G.gurnards. Standardised residuals.
W.horse.mac. Standardised residuals.
N.horse.mac. Standardised residuals.
Grey.seal. Standardised residuals.
H.porpoise. Standardised residuals.
Hake. Standardised residuals.
Cod. Standardised residuals.
Whiting. Standardised residuals.
Haddock. Standardised residuals.
Saithe. Standardised residuals.
Mackerel. Standardised residuals.
Cod. Model retrospective analysis.
Whiting. Model retrospective analysis.
Haddock. Model retrospective analysis.
Saithe. Model retrospective analysis.
Mackerel. Model retrospective analysis.
Herring. Model retrospective analysis.
N.sandeel. Model retrospective analysis.
S.sandeel. Model retrospective analysis.
Nor.pout. Model retrospective analysis.
Sprat. Model retrospective analysis.
Plaice. Model retrospective analysis.
Sole. Model retrospective analysis.
Cod. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
Whiting. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
Haddock. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
Herring. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
N.sandeel. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
S.sandeel. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
Nor.pout. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
Sprat. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
Plaice. Model retrospective analysis of M2.
Cod. Stock summary.
Whiting. Stock summary.
Haddock. Stock summary.
Saithe. Stock summary.
Mackerel. Stock summary.
Herring. Stock summary.
N.sandeel. Stock summary.
S.sandeel. Stock summary.
Nor.pout. Stock summary.
Sprat. Stock summary.
Plaice. Stock summary.
Sole. Stock summary.
Cod. M2.
Whiting. M2.
Haddock. M2.
Herring. M2.
N.sandeel. M2.
S.sandeel. M2.
Nor.pout. M2.
Sprat. M2.
Plaice. M2.
Cod. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Whiting. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Haddock. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Saithe. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Mackerel. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Herring. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
N.sandeel. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
S.sandeel. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Nor.pout. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Sprat. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Plaice. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.
Sole. Stock-recruitment. Values of SSB and recruits, and fitted stock recruitment relation.