WGSAM Terms of Reference (ToRs), 2019-2021

ToR a, Regional updates: Review further progress and deliver key updates on multispecies modelling and ecosystem data analysis contributing to modeling throughout the ICES region

ToR b, Key-runs: Update of key-runs (standardized model runs updated with recent data) of multispecies and ecosystem models for different ICES regions

ToR c, Skill assessment: Establish and apply methods to assess the skill of multispecies models intended for operational advice

ToR d, Multi-model advice: Evaluate methods for generating advice by comparing and/or combining multiple models

ToR e, MSE: Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) methods and applications for mutispecies and ecosystem advice, including evaluating management procedures and estimating biological reference points

WGSAM 2020 Agenda

WGSAM will be held online and by correspondence in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Meeting plenary sessions will be for 2 hours each day, 3-5 pm Central Europe, 2-4 pm Western Europe, 9-11 am US East Coast.

If necessary, meetings may extend outside these times to finish work and discussions. We will update the group with any changes.

Connection information

webex link: https://thuenen.webex.com/thuenen/j.php?MTID=m37a4cbade6ac936c16a78dfae54a8533
password: umMAjWry328

Join by phone
Meeting number: 163 534 8594
Global call-in numbers: https://thuenen.webex.com/thuenen/globalcallin.php?MTID=m5322948dfe4de47e83cb5ce2d52fa03e

For some participants these times are well outside normal work hours (6-8 am on the US West Coast and 2-4 am in New Zealand). Sarah is happy to meet separately later in the day with interested members from those time zones to get your input on issues discussed earlier in the day; please contact Sarah at if this is of interest and we can set something up.

Monday 12 October

First hour

  • Introductions

  • ToR a Regional Updates Please, maximum 10 minutes for ToR a presentations.

    • Alan Baudron: West of Scotland EwE with temperature driver
    • Andrea Belgrano: Kattegat EwE update
    • Valerio Bartolino: Ringed seal/salmonid Gadget
    • Mike Spence: Avoiding the curse of circularity – fitting mechanistic multispecies model independent of stock assessments
    • Sigrid Lehuta: Eastern English channel/North sea Osmose model - inclusion of bio-energetic and evolution in an ecosystem model
    • Miriam Püts: Ecospace paper
    • Sarah Gaichas: US updates

Second hour

  • ToR b Key-runs

    • Morten Vinther/Anna Rindorf: North Sea SMS keyrun initial presentation

Tuesday 13 October

(Morning meeting of SMS Key-run review subgroup)

Two hours

  • ToR b Key-runs continued:

    • Morten Vinther/Anna Rindorf: answer questions for North Sea SMS review
    • Primary reviewers (additional volunteers welcome): Valerio, Sarah, Sigrid

Wednesday 14 October

Two hours

Thursday 15 October

First hour

Second hour

  • ToRs c Skill assessment, d Multi-model advice, e MSE presentations continued

    • Daniel Howell: ToR d–Feco (or Wednesday if better)
    • Mike Spence: ToR c–Get fit quick – calibrating expensive computer models in a day
    • Sean Lucey: ToR e–Rpath MSE capabilities and example

Friday 16 October

(Morning meeting of SMS Key-run review subgroup)

Two hours

  • ToR b Key-runs completion: any issues left for the keyrun
    • Clarify responsibilities and deadlines for finishing report
  • ToR d Multi-model advice, e MSE presentations continued
    • Mike Spence: ToR d and e–Calculating multispecies MSY using a multi-model ensemble
  • Plans for next year
    • Interim meetings and work: 2021 is final year of these ToRs!
      • Identify subgroup interested in multispecies model and ensemble skill assessment ToRs c and d
      • Sketch workplan for project, schedule first meeting
      • Interest in interim subgroup work on any additional ToRs?
    • Timing of 2021 meeting
    • Location of 2021 meeting